Shredding: Product is delivered onto a high speed feed belt [ 1 ]. This belt carries the product to the feed roll [ 2 ]. Product is pinched between the feed roll and the drive roll [ 3 ] at the end of the feed belt. The feed roll, which is spring loaded and adjustable, allows product of varying thicknesses to move through the shredding set-up while intentionally compressing the product. Product is forced into feed discs [ 4 ] and removed from the feed discs by the stripper plate, which acts as a shear edge for the shred spindle. The product then moves directly into the shredding discs [ 5 ] or blunt knives [ 6 ] producing desired shreds.
Due to application differences in product temperature and texture of your specific product, a no-cost product test in our Product Test Cutting Facility is strongly recommended. For more information on shredding set-ups regarding your application, contact your local Urschel representative.